How to prepare for a colonic

There are a few things that will increase the removal of waste and increase the ease and comfort of your treatment:

-Avoid eating 2-4 hours prior to your treatment
-Stay well hydrated, drink half your weight in ounces of water each day
-Avoid eating white flour, meat, and gas producing foods i.e. cruciferous vegetables and beans, 24 hours prior
- Consume fresh juices, fruit and green leafy vegetables
- Stop all laxatives and stool softeners.


If any of the following contraindications apply, a medical release from your Doctor will be required to move forward with treatment.

*  Abdominal Hernia
* Diverticulitis
* Abdominal Surgery
* Fissures/Fistulas
* Bleeding Hemorroids
* Hemorrhoidectomy
* Anemia
* Intestinal Perforations
* Aneurysm
* Lupus
* Colon Cancer
* Uncontrolled Hypertension/Congestive Heart Failure
* Crohn's Disease
* Colitis
* Rectal/ Colon Surgery
* Renal Failure/ Kidney Dialysis
* Pregnancy